As you visit
ping ping lechon and restaurant at la loma, the familiar smell that would greet you is not the lechons displayed, but the very tempting
cholesterolific chicharon bituka cooked outside.
this is one of those things that are bad for you but can't stop from taking one.
the chicharon is purely the intestines of pork. you may call this a by-product of the lechons they make.
the intestines are cleaned (hopefully they do this well) and boiled till tender. then they dry them up under the sun. after drying, they are cut into bite sized pieces and deep-fried just to cook through.
after the first frying, the cut intestines are drained and dried for the second time which makes it ready for the second and final deep frying.
Their final frying is done on the side of the road to keep the smell from their restaurant and to entice calorie craving customers.

you dip the chicharon bituka in vinegar, salt, pepper and siling labuyo. the vinegar will assist in washing away part of the calories from this
oleaginous treat.
ping ping lechon and restaurant
la loma street, manila
+632-740-2111, +632-740-2175