anyways, we had burrito one time and just used basic supermarket goods. very simple but when assembled, everything looks fancy.
burrito quikito
beef burrito filling
2 tablespoon chopped garlic
1 medium onion
2 medium bell peppers
1/4 kilo lean beef
1 cup tomato paste
curry powder to taste
yo-yo sauce
(mayo-yoghurt sauce)
3 tablespoons white creamy unflavored yoghurt
3 tablesppons white creamy mayonnaise
1 medium onion, chopped
grated cheese
chopped lettuce
finely chopped cabbage
1 pack flour tortillas
to assemble the yo-yo sauce, mix equal amounts of mayo and yoghurt in a bowl. set aside and let the mix develop its flavor. if you want to add some zing to the yo-yo sauce, add fresh chopped garlic and mix....then, the sauce will now become... yo-yo-ga sauce! (very clever!)
to make the beef filling, in little oil, saute the garlic till golden brown. add the onions. saute till translucent. add the chopped celery and the chopped bell peppers. increase heat and add the
lean beef. cook for just a minute or until beef changes color. do not over do the meat as it will toughen up. add the tomato paste and little curry flavor. adjust salt and pepper to taste.

to prepare the tortilla bread, place the flour tortilla on an open flame. we placed it directly on top of our gas burner. in about 10 seconds, tortilla will generate black spots. flip over the tortilla to fire up the other side for another 10 seconds. place the tortilla on a plate.
to assemble, spread a layer of the yo-yo sauce on the fired up tortilla. add about 2 tablespoons of beef burrito filling. add shreads of lettuce, cabbage and the chopped onions. add the cheese on top.

make sure that the filling is not abundantly laid on the tortilla as you need to make some space for it to be conveniently rolled up neatly.
be fast in assembling the tortilla as when the flour tortilla cools down, it will become crisp which makes it hard to roll up. you may add more of the yo-yo sauce to make it more creamy. enjoy!
too bad you're not a girl, then i'd link to you. can you dress like one? transgendered works for me.
hi santos!!!
i'll try dressing like one just to earn a link into your transmundane tsogb blog.
summer is here. when going here, bring your hydro aerosols with you. heat here is a killer.
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